Tag: 0X

  • Your Four Missions

    Your Four Missions

    There are four missions in life. MISSION NUMBER ONE – Is to pursue God, learn God and love God. You are told to (learn and) love God with all your heart, soul and mind. MISSION NUMBER TWO – Is to learn yourself. (Retrain and) set you mind on things above. (Pray for) eyes to see…

  • I Am Not Good Enough!

    I Am Not Good Enough!

    1 . An angry, attacking friend says, “You’re not good enough!” You THINK. -Only God is really good. So, you RESPOND – “You’re right! I am not good enough” 2 . An angry, attacking friend says, “You’re not very smart!” You THINK.- Only God is very smart. So, you RESPOND – “You’re right! I am…

  • Soul, Spirit, Etc.

    Soul, Spirit, Etc.

    What if there are always four systems at work in your life? 1 . YOUR SOUL- is a puzzle, picture of all your memories and thoughts. It includes everything from restful, peaceful feelings to tormented, restless feelings. Your whole emotional system = your soul. 2 . YOUR SPIRIT- You are a spirit that lives in…

  • Your Second Emotional System

    Your Second Emotional System

    To work on emotional growth means you are developing a second emotional system. The FIRST System- (Survival Program) By the time you reach adulthood you have successfully developed one emotional system. That first system is your survival system. Also, called your boy program. Growing up you became a pleaser, fixer or caretaker. (To earn love)…

  • The Fight is On!

    The Fight is On!

    Up boys! The fight is upon us. Some of us are taking hits. Sadly, we are taking friendly fire. People who are supposed to love and forgive instead are resorting to anger and name-calling. They think wounding your soul is a good thing. Further, they hope, it will awaken and punish you and empower themselves.…

  • Three Thoughts

    Three Thoughts

    Thought #1 I’m listening to some trauma experts. One says, “trauma is where you spin off a part of yourself.” She explained, you “spin off” living open and curious as a boy. After trauma, you stop expressing needs, start living closed and just survive. Thought #2 I’m reading a book written by a man who…

  • Show Me

    Show Me

    The Holy Spirit has several names. The Spirit has been called comforter, teacher, and guide. The Holy Spirit is also called counselor, helper, and advocate. The Spirit is a gift from the Heavenly Father. He was given to the disciples when Jesus was sacrificed and went back to be with the Heavenly Father. The Holy…

  • Simple or Deep Change

    Simple or Deep Change

    Simple change or Deep change? I spoke to a guy once, he’d been in counseling for one month. He was bragging. “Everything is fixed. We are all better. All is so good. We fixed our marriage!” So, I asked. What did you change? His response, “Nothing! I just stopped arguing. I’m keeping more stuff to…

  • A New Start

    A New Start

    Im trying a new strategy in my marriage. I know the bible says don’t go to bed angry. I must confess I have failed in that area. The bible also says, God’s love is new every morning. So, I am trying to walk in His fresh, new, love every morning. Now, each morning, I wake…

  • Great Marriage

    Great Marriage

    What does it take to have a great emotional marriage? Two things. You need two safe, growing, individuals. Then, you need a safe place for those two individuals to work on personal growth–together. Any out of control behavior challenges emotional safety. Your mission is to walk in spiritual wisdom and emotional disciple. In the past…

  • A Safe Place

    A Safe Place

    I went to a seminar yesterday. The speaker said, “marriage is were two individuals try to create a safe space and help each other with individual growth”. Meaning – It was a light bulb moment!!! How can the above two things happen if either spouse is stuck (not changing) OR out of control? If, one…

  • Finish Strong

    Finish Strong

    Be what God created you to be? Don’t die a wounded, angry, confused, performing, perfectionist! We all saw how well that turned out. We saw how each one of us got stuck and how our stuntedness has hurt us. It has also hurt our spouses/girlfriends and our relationships. Time to start moving forward again. No…