Tag: Emotions

  • Appropriate and Odd

    Appropriate and Odd

    How does it make sense that an individual can be appropriate in one moment and emotionally “odd” in another? (I’m defining “emotionally odd” as- angry, controlling, defensive, anxious, going numb, etc.) David Zailer, author of Death of a Fisherman, was trying to understand why he went emotionally “numb” periodically. He had recently experienced an episode…

  • Expressing Myself

    Expressing Myself

    I had breakfast with a friend. He reminded me that he’d struggled with anger most of his life. Then, he said. I’ve made progress. And, I’m much better at managing my anger. But, I’ve discovered a new problem. I don’t know how to express my emotions. I stumble to find my words. It’s hard to…

  • Soul, Spirit, Etc.

    Soul, Spirit, Etc.

    What if there are always four systems at work in your life? 1 . YOUR SOUL- is a puzzle, picture of all your memories and thoughts. It includes everything from restful, peaceful feelings to tormented, restless feelings. Your whole emotional system = your soul. 2 . YOUR SPIRIT- You are a spirit that lives in…

  • Your Second Emotional System

    Your Second Emotional System

    To work on emotional growth means you are developing a second emotional system. The FIRST System- (Survival Program) By the time you reach adulthood you have successfully developed one emotional system. That first system is your survival system. Also, called your boy program. Growing up you became a pleaser, fixer or caretaker. (To earn love)…

  • Kill What’s Killing You

    Kill What’s Killing You

    How do you kill the thing that is killing you? The thing that is killing your soul is self-condemnation. And, why would you not be in the habit of self condemnation? Someone once said, “You will be condemned 1,000 times for messing up and failing.” Wow… Now, add to that thought, this rule: First, YOU…

  • Knowing Your Emotions

    Knowing Your Emotions

    When it comes to emotions, most people only see parts of their own emotional system. They have never mapped out their own emotional system. Meaning, they do not understand how all the parts fit together.

  • Leaders are readers

    Leaders are readers

    There is a great saying, “Leaders are Readers.” And let me add, men who read, especially about emotional growth, make great leaders.