Tag: Emotions

  • 13 Questions for Exploring an Emotional System

    13 Questions for Exploring an Emotional System

    What do we mean when we say, “To have peace, rest and joy you must learn your emotional system.” You may ask, “What makes up an emotional system?” or “Can you give me an overview of the important parts of an emotional system.”

  • Inside and Outside Me

    Inside and Outside Me

    Consider this letter. Does it sound like you?

  • Why do we Fall?

    Why do we Fall?

    Most of us have old emotional areas we battle and struggle to surrender to the spiritual. When you are emotionally hindered, find yourself stuck, or worse–break down, even though you still love Jesus, it’s your emotional program that needs work.

  • Two Emotional Programs

    Two Emotional Programs

    I’ve noticed something from years of counseling. Here’s my observation: Healthy adults have developed a second emotional program. Or, said differently, struggling adults only have one emotional program.

  • Helping Men Navigate between Logic and Emotion

    Helping Men Navigate between Logic and Emotion

    Generally, the majority of men are very comfortable when communicating logic and solving problems, but very uncomfortable and unfamiliar with communicating emotion. This often results in them becoming stunted or stuck in their relational skills, especially in marriage.

  • The Pattern

    The Pattern

    If there was a pattern to one’s emotional development it would look like this. You start as a curios child with an innocent heart. You laugh, play and explore with great passion. Then, trauma happens and it changes everything.-You learn you will need protection from the pain caused by others. So, you divide yourself. You…

  • Loved Well

    Loved Well

    What if you do a review of your life and this is your conclusion.“I HAVE NEVER BEEN LOVED WELL!” That is a sad statement.And, an honest, deep, struggle-filled statement. SAD- because it carries a longing and an unmet ache. INSIGHTFUL- because now you have verbalized a driving, inner need. ADDITIONALLY- on the inside, you are…

  • Listen to Me

    Listen to Me

    Do you want to help me, learn me? If so, you must “listen.” And, I mean listen a lot and talk a little. Listening is the skill of, you getting out of my way.Talking is the skill of me, figuring something out.When I’m talking to you, I am also learning about myself. Here’s the me-talking,…

  • Don’t Be A Burden

    Don’t Be A Burden

    Here is ONE, big reason a husband might not make an emotional connection to his wife. “I do not want to burden her.” This statement includes a thought and a belief for emotional survival. Where does this thought originate? Part One Growing up, Mom’s life was hard. Mom and dad fought. I saw mom grieve,…

  • Why is it Hard to Express Myself?

    Why is it Hard to Express Myself?

    Recently, I’ve been asking, why is it so hard to express myself? MY GROWING UP YEARS Growing up, we were not an emotional family. As children we knew to never express emotions. Emotional words were only used to call you names. And, after the name calling, family members were encouraged to laugh at you. There…

  • Handling major, negative life events

    Handling major, negative life events

    When major, negative, life events occur, two outcomes are possible. 1. You experience damage to your soul. Next, you shape your life from that emotional damage. Finally, you begin to demonstrate unhealthy, emotional actions and behaviors (Anger, control, defensiveness, etc.). 2. You experience emotional damage. Afterwards, you dig in deeply and do emotional-spiritual recovery work.…

  • Growth at 9 to 12 Months

    Growth at 9 to 12 Months

    Nine months into an emotional growth journey a man starts sharing these kinds of thoughts: …that, in reference to your former way of life, you are to rid yourselves of the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you are to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on…