Equipping Christian Men for Richer Relationships

Tag: Marriage

  • To Be Known

    To Be Known

    The marriage journey is where you truly learn and know someone. It could be described as a miracle that through it all, your love grows richer and deeper.

  • Treasure From the Lord

    Treasure From the Lord

    The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord. – Proverbs 18:22

  • Dear Spouse,

    Dear Spouse,

    Dear Spouse, Can you please help feed my soul? Life is full of struggles. And, I’m tired. I’ve asked God for help and he’s a great source of comfort. But, can you also, please help feed my soul? These are the things that fill me. Nurture me. Comfort me. Celebrate with me. Be pleased with…

  • Great Marriages

    Great Marriages

    For a great marriage you need progress in three important areas. 1 . A VISION- Can you visualize your spouse being your best friend? You and your wife playing like two children with a secret. You giggle, hold hands and explore the world together. Over time she becomes the most important person on the planet.…

  • Four Drivers

    Four Drivers

    In the book, The Coaching Habit, author, Michael B. Stanier outlines four drivers. He states, there are four drivers that your brain uses to determine relationship involvement and teamwork. (I’m borrowing his four drivers to discuss marriage.) T – Tribe E – Expectations R – Rank A – Autonomy (I’m going to be using my…

  • Don’t Be A Burden

    Don’t Be A Burden

    Here is ONE, big reason a husband might not make an emotional connection to his wife. “I do not want to burden her.” This statement includes a thought and a belief for emotional survival. Where does this thought originate? Part One Growing up, Mom’s life was hard. Mom and dad fought. I saw mom grieve,…

  • It’s an Odd Thing

    It’s an Odd Thing

    It’s an odd thing! Have you noticed how two opposite people always seem to get married? You have one interested, motivated, emotional-connector. And, that person marries a disinterested, unmotivated, emotional-disconnector. It all starts fine. But several years into the relationship the emotional-connector starts to wonder, “Why is this relationship still so shallow?” It’s usually the…

  • Vulnerability builds Trust

    Vulnerability builds Trust

    Patrick Lencioni, best-selling author and speaker, made this statement. “Vulnerability builds trust.” I’d like to expand on his statement. In marriage, if a husband opens up and is vulnerable. (by expressing a flaw.) And, if his wife responds with kindness, mercy and acceptance. Then, a foundation of trust starts to develop. (The opposite is also…

  • Three areas of Life

    Three areas of Life

    Chad Warner, addiction counselor, was speaking recently. He said, “You must work on three areas of your life. The three areas include; Spiritual Care, Self Care, and Marital Care.” Here’s my take on those three areas. Spiritual Care We are spiritual beings. We need a spiritual program. That program must explain life, death, purpose and…

  • Different Kind of Damaged Wife

    Different Kind of Damaged Wife

    A husband once said, “Can I get a different kind of damaged wife? This relationship is too hard! Can I get an easier assignment? This one is above my pay grade.” We both laughed. I’m sure every husband (and wife) has had that thought at least once in their married lifetime. Why is marriage so…

  • I Feel used and Abused

    I Feel used and Abused

    “Please comfort me.” She said. “I feel used and abused by others. Work. Traffic. Aging. Please comfort me.” She is asking her husband to use his soothing skills. (Here are some examples of soothing) -Use your words- “I’m sorry you are going through that.” -Use your touch….. Reach for her and stroke her. -Use your…

  • Why Must I Change?

    Why Must I Change?

    After 25 years of marriage a husband made these comments. I have been the same for the last 50 years. I learned to live independent during a hard childhood. The way I have acted has helped me survive my childhood, difficult teenage years, and military service. Being strong and private has served me well. Why…