Today I am reminding myself of a mission that I started in the recent past. I want to be unoffendable.
I’ve come to the conclusion that “being offended” is a tool of the dark side. Why? Because when you’re offended, you get to act weird, stressed, angry, irritated, lash out, and other bad behaviors. So, I want to keep strengthening my skill of being unoffendable.
First, I started asking myself. Why do I NEED the approval of others? Why do I WANT and SEEK approval?
Other individuals are broken, imperfect, humanity just like me. Second, I am now using two different thoughts.
Thought #1
“I give you permission to not like me.” And I give you permission to disagree, have a different opinion, feel strongly and to rant and rave about your position. I will be okay even if you do not like me.
Thought #2
“You can not offend me.” I refuse to be offended by any of your behaviors or actions. I’m not going to take offense. I don’t need to be offended or to defend my thoughts. You can’t offend me because I do not need your approval.
In conclusion
I do not give another person permission to be judge over me. My identity, value, and worth come from God. And, what he says I believe.
Father, thank you for your love. Thank you for your acceptance and forgiveness. Thank you for calling me son and preparing an eternal place for me. Your love is enough. Amen.
Bible Connection
For God so loved (me) that he gave his one and only Son …
John 3:16 NIV Modified with (me)
2 responses to “Unoffendable”
This is a goal to honor God with in 2025 and beyond. Become unoffendable!
Great goal. I’ll work on that also. Thanks