Latest Blog Entries
Recovering from your Past
Today’s three words are: Grieve, Release, and Rest.
We Eagerly Await
The first part of your emotional program comes in preprogrammed. If you’ve had at least two children you understand. From a very young age one child is quiet and shy. The other is the opposite–loud and non-stop motion. The second part of your emotional program is family influenced and shaped. A speaker once made this…
Innocence, Beauty, and Awe
Look for the beauty in God’s creation and pause when you experience a moment of awe, because you are standing in the presence of God.
40 Days of Oneness
This workbook is a tool to help a couple grow closer to each other. It’s specifically designed to help a man connect with his wife on a deeper level.
The 40 Day Relationship Builder
A collection of 40 stories covering different aspects of life, relationship, growth, and intimacy. Use this workbook to build stronger marriages through dialogue.
49 Days of Growth
This workbook has one goal: emotional growth. It’s divided into seven weekly topics. You’re asked to focus for seven days on each topic. Each one has a significant role in the emotional-spiritual health of a man.
Growth Map
This workbook maps out your broken emotional system and reveals how you assembled it. It then shows you a way to go on a growth mission to repair your emotional system, resulting in a pathway to peace, rest, and joy.
A Lover Repents
The words to follow are written as the heart cry of one man. It is provided as an opportunity to peek into his journey. This writing shares how one man struggled with his past addiction to pornography, how that man struggled in crying out to God, and how that man grieved for his wife and…