
3 responses to “She’s My Daughter”

  1. Jaaziah Almy Stone Avatar
    Jaaziah Almy Stone

    On Dec. 28th my wife told me she wants a divorce. This past weekend (1/25) while visiting with my boys, I found out some troubling information, and began to worry and fret, filled with anxiety.
    I struggled with these feelings for most of the weekend. And Monday morning while I was driving to work and praying, being, pleading for an answer or some sort of sign…. My phone buzzed. And this was the post of the day. Posted in the midst of my prayer.

    She is my wife. But as much as I love her, Jehovah Rafa, who gave her to me, loves her even more.
    God, please bless my wife. I know she is hurting. I know she is in so much emotional and spiritual pain. Some of which I caused, some from past trauma. I cannot heal her. I can only pursue You and become the best version of myself that I can be.
    You can and will heal her.
    I pray only that I can be there to lovingly take her back into my open and waiting arms when You complete Your work on her, so I can love her, my bride, just as You love Your bride, the church.

  2. Steve Avatar

    I needed this today. My wife filed for divorce last week behind my back. It appears to have been in the works for a while, but this act was a shot across the bow.
    There is a spark of rage igniting inside, but that will not lead to godliness. Even as she has detached from me, she is God’s daughter and I need to treat her as such as I rigorously pursue my children’s best interest as their father.

    1. Stephen Cervantes Avatar

      Thank you for your raw, hard, healthy, honesty.
      To our God be all glory.