
3 responses to “Father, Mentor, and Trainer”

  1. Brian Avatar

    I’m one who didn’t have that as a child. I’ve tried with my sons. Thankfully The Lord is patient and long suffering wishing no one to parish.

    1. Timothy Bergkvist Avatar

      Same here Brian. Now I have 2 kids and it seems oddly self-serving, but I know they have a better father.

  2. Timothy Bergkvist Avatar
    Timothy Bergkvist

    I did not grow up with my father. I wish I had the experiences described here. Like me, many men lost valuable time with their fathers, or had no father figure in their life at all. We struggle with life-long thoughts of inadequacy and fear of failure. But God… I realized that it was my Heavenly Father that raised me. No, we couldn’t play ball. But he was always there for me, cheering me on, protecting me from the worst life could offer. I had a much better father than I realized. I am valued by my Heavenly Father!