Author: Stephen Cervantes
The Pattern
If there was a pattern to one’s emotional development it would look like this. You start as a curios child with an innocent heart. You laugh, play and explore with great passion. Then, trauma happens and it changes everything.-You learn you will need protection from the pain caused by others. So, you divide yourself. You…
Loved Well
What if you do a review of your life and this is your conclusion.“I HAVE NEVER BEEN LOVED WELL!” That is a sad statement.And, an honest, deep, struggle-filled statement. SAD- because it carries a longing and an unmet ache. INSIGHTFUL- because now you have verbalized a driving, inner need. ADDITIONALLY- on the inside, you are…
Listen to Me
Do you want to help me, learn me? If so, you must “listen.” And, I mean listen a lot and talk a little. Listening is the skill of, you getting out of my way.Talking is the skill of me, figuring something out.When I’m talking to you, I am also learning about myself. Here’s the me-talking,…
Dear Spouse,
Dear Spouse, Can you please help feed my soul? Life is full of struggles. And, I’m tired. I’ve asked God for help and he’s a great source of comfort. But, can you also, please help feed my soul? These are the things that fill me. Nurture me. Comfort me. Celebrate with me. Be pleased with…
Great Marriages
For a great marriage you need progress in three important areas. 1 . A VISION- Can you visualize your spouse being your best friend? You and your wife playing like two children with a secret. You giggle, hold hands and explore the world together. Over time she becomes the most important person on the planet.…
Thoughts on Growth
(Quotes by unknown authors) Life is hard. And, we get stuck in places. Remember, to be kind to yourself. Rest. Regroup. Then, get up and keep growing. “On your journey remember to take imperfect chances.” -Waiting for perfection will stunt your growth. “Growth means moving to better thinking.” -Your old thinking got you here. It…
Four Drivers
In the book, The Coaching Habit, author, Michael B. Stanier outlines four drivers. He states, there are four drivers that your brain uses to determine relationship involvement and teamwork. (I’m borrowing his four drivers to discuss marriage.) T – Tribe E – Expectations R – Rank A – Autonomy (I’m going to be using my…
Don’t Be A Burden
Here is ONE, big reason a husband might not make an emotional connection to his wife. “I do not want to burden her.” This statement includes a thought and a belief for emotional survival. Where does this thought originate? Part One Growing up, Mom’s life was hard. Mom and dad fought. I saw mom grieve,…
It’s an Odd Thing
It’s an odd thing! Have you noticed how two opposite people always seem to get married? You have one interested, motivated, emotional-connector. And, that person marries a disinterested, unmotivated, emotional-disconnector. It all starts fine. But several years into the relationship the emotional-connector starts to wonder, “Why is this relationship still so shallow?” It’s usually the…
Why do I Write?
Why do I send out a daily text? Here are ten insights about why I write. My Goal is to live a life overflowing with peace, rest, and joy. Learn and grow in God and self-awareness. It’s in taking wise, small steps that you arrive at peace, rest, and joy. Prayer To God be all…
Why is it Hard to Express Myself?
Recently, I’ve been asking, why is it so hard to express myself? MY GROWING UP YEARS Growing up, we were not an emotional family. As children we knew to never express emotions. Emotional words were only used to call you names. And, after the name calling, family members were encouraged to laugh at you. There…
There can’t be a God!
I have a friend. He’s a Christian, medical professional, and a senior adult. Recently, he shared a long-time inner-conflict. It goes like this. “There can’t be a God! And, there must be a God!” (Here are my two sides of that debate.) THERE CAN’T BE A GOD! God makes no sense. You can’t see or…