Author: Stephen Cervantes

  • Unlearning is Learning

    Unlearning is Learning

    If, you want great connecting to be part of your love story, you must UNLEARN some skills. If you want a deep, close friendship, you must UNLEARN some skills. If, you want to get to the promised land of oneness, you must UNLEARN some skills. Here is a list of disconnecting skills a spouse must…

  • Bigger than the Fear

    Bigger than the Fear

    Homework assignment for today. When someone ATTACKS you, immediately and quietly repeat these words three times.“The God in me is bigger than the fear in you.” When someone CRITICIZES you, repeat.“The God in me is bigger than the fear in you.” When someone INSULTS you, repeat.“The God in me is bigger than the fear in…

  • Anger & Sorrow

    Anger & Sorrow

    Someone mentioned sorrow and then the topic turned to anger. I got to thinking. Is there a connection between those two emotions? Anger and sorrow? When I think of an angry person, I immediately think disappointment. For example, I see a man acting angry. My first thought is, “This man is loudly expressing his disappointment…

  • Growing Up

    Growing Up

    In life, there will be three major challenges, in three different areas. At each intersection you will be asked to change. 1. Emotional Program You set up your emotional program in childhood. Some beliefs and behaviors were meant for survival and won’t work well in adulthood. If you refuse to change, you will be functioning…

  • You Look Good in Green

    You Look Good in Green

    It is important to have the right view of church. Church is a meeting place for Grinches. Grinches have small hearts. They have a history of being selfish, greedy, and self centered. They take first and give second. In youth, they lack maturity. And in adulthood, they lack maturity. Grinches have expertise. They look out…

  • Look Deeply into my Eye

    Look Deeply into my Eye

    Several years ago I read the book titled, Look Me in the Eye, by John Robison. It was about a boy with autism. He was told to look people in the eyes. But he had a question and could not find the answer. “Do I look in the right eye, left eye, or in between…

  • Do You Have To?

    Do You Have To?

    Do you have to punish me?

  • A Letter From a Changing Wife

    A Letter From a Changing Wife

    Dear Husband, Two years ago we had that hard conversation. You said you were happy and would be staying the same. I chose growth. All my life I have been a pleaser and fixer. I tried so many times. But sadly, I could not fix us. So, I embraced a new strategy. I moved closer…

  • Stop!


    Things to say to “out loud” just before you do something stupid: Homework Pick 5 of the above statements to repeat in moments of weakness. PRAYER Father, please give me wisdom and strength. Help me with righteousness, discipline and surrender. And, may it be all to your glory. Amen.

  • Staying Present

    Staying Present

    Most men struggle with the concept of Staying Present. When a conversation gets difficult men flood with fear. Let’s review why. HIS THOUGHTS HIS DEEPEST FEAR If you know me you will be disappointed. You won’t like me. And, in the end you will leave me like everyone else. HIS OLD SOLUTIONS I’ve found escaping,…

  • Things I Wish Dad Had Told Me

    Things I Wish Dad Had Told Me

    Things I wish dad had told me. Proverbs- Where there is no guidance the people fail.Seek wisdom. Amen

  • My Big Fears are Leaving!

    My Big Fears are Leaving!

    I have been walking and talking to God more and more. I am tired of carrying around old, heavy fears. My fears are slowly getting lighter. Most of my life I have feared three things: If any of those happened it would mean I had no value. Oh, and I have feared your condemnation of…