“You can’t offend me!” Recently, I heard myself making this new statement to another man. And I was shocked. It’s so much different than my old program, “I want you to like me.” Because, if you like me, it means I’ve won your approval and I’m okay.
But, what if, “my value and worth is not defined by you?” (I am trying to grow stronger in this belief also.) You’re a man and so am I. Why does your approval have so much power?
Getting the approval of others is satisfying. But, only on a surface level. It’s like quenching half your thirst. The other person is happy but only one of us did most of the work.
So, I’m switching from my old emotional belief to walking daily in these spiritual truths.
- I am a child of God.
- I am made in His image.
- He loves me.
- If I’m gone, being a Prodigal son, he waits for my return.
- If I stray and get lost, he comes looking for me.
- God’s love is enough.
- His acceptance is enough.
- He never tires of loving me.
- If he loves and forgives me, then I can love and forgive me. And he wants me in his presence for all eternity.
That’s plenty of approval.
So now, I think this of other men, “You can’t offend me.” Because I don’t need anything from you. But I do have love to give you.
Father, thank you for your love. You are the best! Thank you for wanting me. That is enough. I may still stumble over my emotional program. But please know my heart wants to run on your spiritual truths. Signed, yours. Amen.
Bible Connection
Read these verses:
- The Prodigal Son –Luke 15:11-31
- The Lost Sheep – Luke 15:3-7
- The Sinner who was told, “today you will be with me in paradise.” – Luke 23:42-43
Does this sound familiar? Agree or disagree?