
  • Love and Joy

    Love and Joy

    You were made to run on “love” and outflow “joy.” Love is your fuel source. When walking in love, joy will flow from your heart, soul, and spirit. Landon Saunders dedicated his life to teaching about Jesus and joy. He is 86 years old and has cancer. “Joy is love’s greatest ally. Joy holds no…

  • God is Growing You

    God is Growing You

    Remember, God is growing you in the following ways. He is. I spoke to a friend. He shared that he’s been married for 20 years. He said his wife was emotionally, damaged growing up. And, as a result she was unable to bond to him. He asked, “how does a man live a good life…

  • Married and Disconnected

    Married and Disconnected

    WHY WOULD ANYONE LIVE DISCONNECTED IN A GOOD MARRIAGE? Everyone wants more love! If, you were made by love and for love why would you live disconnected? Here is a list of reasons why a spouse, living in a good marriage, would still live disconnected. THE EARLY YEARS -Your parents were poorly attached to each…

  • 50% Connected?

    50% Connected?

    Are you 50% connected to your spouse? Are you 100% emotionally connected? Or, are you somewhere in between? HERE IS THE CRITERIA FOR MAKING A 50% EMOTIONAL CONNECTION WITH YOUR SPOUSE. 1 . Have a wedding ceremony. 2 . Hold a title. e.g., Husband or Wife 3 . Work outside the home as a provider.…

  • Expressing Myself

    Expressing Myself

    I had breakfast with a friend. He reminded me that he’d struggled with anger most of his life. Then, he said. I’ve made progress. And, I’m much better at managing my anger. But, I’ve discovered a new problem. I don’t know how to express my emotions. I stumble to find my words. It’s hard to…

  • Your Four Missions

    Your Four Missions

    There are four missions in life. MISSION NUMBER ONE – Is to pursue God, learn God and love God. You are told to (learn and) love God with all your heart, soul and mind. MISSION NUMBER TWO – Is to learn yourself. (Retrain and) set you mind on things above. (Pray for) eyes to see…

  • I Am Not Good Enough!

    I Am Not Good Enough!

    1 . An angry, attacking friend says, “You’re not good enough!” You THINK. -Only God is really good. So, you RESPOND – “You’re right! I am not good enough” 2 . An angry, attacking friend says, “You’re not very smart!” You THINK.- Only God is very smart. So, you RESPOND – “You’re right! I am…

  • Sharing Deep Dialogue

    Sharing Deep Dialogue

    Great relationships are the result of two individuals sharing, deep dialogue. Here are some deep, dialogue, starter statements. ABOUT self- -Something good that happened today is…. -Today, I am grateful for…. -I am hopeful when…. -It makes me happy when….. -A dream I have is…. ABOUT God- -God has blessed me…. -I saw God at…

  • Soul, Spirit, Etc.

    Soul, Spirit, Etc.

    What if there are always four systems at work in your life? 1 . YOUR SOUL- is a puzzle, picture of all your memories and thoughts. It includes everything from restful, peaceful feelings to tormented, restless feelings. Your whole emotional system = your soul. 2 . YOUR SPIRIT- You are a spirit that lives in…

  • Forgiven Younger You?

    Forgiven Younger You?

    “Have you forgiven your younger self?” I’ve had two discussions this week about this topic. One man said. I spoke to my pastor about forgiving myself. He said that was psychological and not biblical. And, I should not think about that any more. A second man said, I started to think about the idea of…

  • Your Second Emotional System

    Your Second Emotional System

    To work on emotional growth means you are developing a second emotional system. The FIRST System- (Survival Program) By the time you reach adulthood you have successfully developed one emotional system. That first system is your survival system. Also, called your boy program. Growing up you became a pleaser, fixer or caretaker. (To earn love)…

  • The Fight is On!

    The Fight is On!

    Up boys! The fight is upon us. Some of us are taking hits. Sadly, we are taking friendly fire. People who are supposed to love and forgive instead are resorting to anger and name-calling. They think wounding your soul is a good thing. Further, they hope, it will awaken and punish you and empower themselves.…