Tag: Day 59

  • Reconciling With My Fear

    Reconciling With My Fear

    First, I love God, Jesus, the church and my Bible. Second, I carry hurtful childhood memories. Stories I would rather forget, but those memories are still connected to ugly pain. And, I have some anger that lives deep in my soul. As a Christian, how do you integrate these two thoughts?

  • Grace in the Middle of Conflict

    Grace in the Middle of Conflict

    The right words, in the middle of conflict, can reveal your heart and foster peace and grace.

  • Expressing Myself

    Expressing Myself

    I had breakfast with a friend. He reminded me that he’d struggled with anger most of his life. Then, he said. I’ve made progress. And, I’m much better at managing my anger. But, I’ve discovered a new problem. I don’t know how to express my emotions. I stumble to find my words. It’s hard to…