In your lifetime, you’ll run into many emotional walls. Walls are places where you release old thinking and embrace new, deeper thinking. Walls are where you try to convince God that your ways are best. In the end, God wins and you either get bitter or grow deeper and wiser.
We all try to fight and win wall battles. We argue with the wall, deny the wall, and try breaking through the wall. But walls always win because walls are immovable.
What are examples of walls?
- You have a spouse with a drinking problem.
- Your child goes rogue.
- Your body betrays you and you get an autoimmune diagnosis.
- Cancer attacks someone you dearly love.
- You are forced to work a job you hate.
- And, there are many other walls.
Walls are how God shapes you. Remember, you gave your life to Christ. It’s not yours anymore. Walls exist because God is in the transformation business. And you are being transformed.
Staying the same is not an option. You can try staying the same, but it means staying immature, living defiant, and dying with limited growth. The wall struggle hits you on multiple levels. It includes an emotional, physical, and spiritual impact.
This is a Wall
When you hit a wall, the first thing you should say is, “This is a wall.” Because what happens next is monumental. Walls are where you try to negotiate with God.
If you think God knows best, then don’t waste too much time being rebellious or defiant. God will always use a wall to shape you. It will break your will and remake you stronger. Remember, you are being transformed into the image of Christ.
Some individuals resist and die bitter. They waste time and energy fighting against their wall assignment. The better response is to thrash a bit and then say, “Father, I submit. I accept your assignment.”
Father, you know best. I want to live a life of peace and freedom. So, I give you my life again. I will not fight your assignment. I will accept it as a growth assignment from you. I believe you know best. And, I know you are changing and growing me. Father, I chose you and your ways over my own. Please be gentle. But, never stop growing me. Amen.
Bible Connection
Jesus said this about his wall assignment, the cross:
Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done. –Luke 22:42 NKJV