Tag: Emotional Growth
How Can I Know if I’m Growing?
How do you know if change is happening? Lots of guys say they want to change. Lots of guys start to change. Lots of guys try to change. And, lots of guys promise to change. Changing is hard.
Mission Field
You have been invited into God’s growth and transformational process.
Winning the Emotional/Spiritual Battle
In life you will be triggered. Pushed to your emotional limits. Your childhood pain and core fear will surge within you.
Emotional Growth Mission
Who is Doctor Marriage ministry trying to serve with these blogs? Who is the target audience? And what is the goal?
Prompting to Grow Emotionally
There will be three significant times you will be asked to work on growth and change.
Loner Learned Lessons
Your childhood isolating skills will help you survive difficult parents. They will not help you develop a rich, deep, emotional, marital connection.
Emotional Intimacy
Intimacy is a spiritual and emotional mission. It is a direct challenge from heaven. Two becoming one is the most difficult and wonderful relationship journey you will ever attempt.
Emotionally Present and Peaceful
When I try to be attuned to my situation and those around me, why do I let someone’s negative statement agitate me?
Sadness and Hope
In this episode, Jonathan and I dive into the complexities of personal growth, focusing on how childhood experiences shape adult behavior.
Mr. Unemotional: Moving from Isolation to Connection
In this episode, we dive into the emotional struggles men face, especially those recovering from addiction. We explore the concept of “Mr. Unemotional,” describing men who find it hard to express their feelings due to past experiences or societal pressures.
Know Your Story
A lot of your strengths come from your story; and a lot of weaknesses come from your story.
Name it, Frame it, Brave it
Allison Cook, author, speaker, and therapist shared her three-point outline. She said, when you have a problem, you must do three things.