Equipping Christian Men for Richer Relationships

Tag: Growth

  • Reconstructing a New Story

    Reconstructing a New Story

    One day in mid-life, you notice your youth is passing away. You are no longer that boundless young man. Your body is changing, hair is thinning, and you might have some physical ailments. It’s time to reconstruct a new story.

  • A Noticeable Transformation

    A Noticeable Transformation

    Learning to practice contentment and recognize the truth that God loves you is transforming.

  • A Letter from a Struggling Wife

    A Letter from a Struggling Wife

    A letter from a struggling wife, pleading with her husband to grow up emotionally.

  • Two Wakeup Calls

    Two Wakeup Calls

    One major life goal should be to run a healthy emotional program. Here are two major griefs that can occur in life. Read them. Then review your own emotional program.

  • Won’t You Grow With Me?

    Won’t You Grow With Me?

    Dear Spouse,I’d like to share four thoughts with you. Thought #1 If you are inwardly peaceful, then I will enjoy a peaceful home.If, on the other hand you are angry, I will live in fear of your outbursts. If, you are a worrier, my life will be filled with anxiety. If, you are negative, our…

  • Your Second Emotional System

    Your Second Emotional System

    To work on emotional growth means you are developing a second emotional system. The FIRST System- (Survival Program) By the time you reach adulthood you have successfully developed one emotional system. That first system is your survival system. Also, called your boy program. Growing up you became a pleaser, fixer or caretaker. (To earn love)…

  • Why is it so hard to find a good friend?

    Why is it so hard to find a good friend?

    In conversation recently a question was asked, “Why is it so hard to find a good friend?” The speaker continued. Often times I seem caught between two types of individuals: The first group are people who seem to be above me. They are the mentor types. They are often seen as leaders and stand outs.…