Author: Stephen Cervantes
One man plays a role of being GOOD.
Being Alone is Who I Am
Are we really made to be alone? One man’s struggle connecting.
What if you were a child raised in an alcoholic home? How well would you be emotionally trained?
Sifting Challenges
Jesus said, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith will not fail.
Training to Communicate
Learning your spouse is smart. Being curious and asking questions is a good plan. But there is one question NOT to ask.
Successful and Thriving
To be successful in life you need two emotional programs. The first one is your surviving program. The second one is your thriving program.
The Detached Man
Stephen writes from the perspective of a detached man, struggling to connect.
What is Your Message?
How has God touched you? What idea or concept have you experienced deep in your soul? What is your unique message?
Renew Your Mind
Spending 24 hours a day not-liking-yourself is an unhealthy way to live.
Ch Ch Changes
Don’t you just love and hate change? Everyone loves fresh, new, exciting change. But difficult, confusing change, I hate!
Fostering Intimacy
Why is intimacy so difficult to achieve? (Intimacy is getting to know someone on a deep emotional level.) What needs to happen for intimacy to occur?
Old Thoughts About Myself
Everyone runs an inner dialogue. The dialogue includes beliefs about self and others. Much of it was written during the early developmental years. Here is one man’s internal dialogue.