I recently shared this story with a friend, who encouraged me to add this to the blog. He said it would really bless others from either perspective. So, here’s the story.
Mom’s health had declined and she could no longer take care of herself. It was time for her to receive 24-hour nursing home care.
Time to Die!
Mom had been very ill in her own home. After two weeks of nursing home care, she said, “I thought you brought me here to die. Well, I haven’t died yet. Instead, I’m getting stronger. Now take me back home.”
There’s no going back.
Later, mom admits, “I know I can’t go home. I can’t take care of myself anymore. I’ll stay here but I want to know one thing. Why does God want me here?”
God answers.
One day mom announces, “I got my answer. In fact, there are several reasons God wants me to be here.
- This is the next adventure in my life. Life is full of change. This is one of those changes. God wants me to experience this place.
- I knew places like this existed. But it’s totally different to live here. God wants me to have this experience. And the people who work here are so kind.
- I didn’t know there were so many sick people who needed help. And I mean so many people sicker than myself. They have family members who visit. I enjoy talking to the visitors.
- God wants me to keep seeking him. He wants me to worship him in this place. So, I will sing, pray, and play bingo to his glory.”
As every reader knows there are still good days and bad days.
Father, please give me a heart of acceptance. And help me seek you, find you, and worship you wherever I go. Amen.
Bible Connection
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7 (NIV)
But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. – Timothy 6:6-7 (LSB)