My takeaways from a group meeting.
- One of us had an encounter with God that started the breaking of a bad habit. We pray it continues.
- One of us is working hard to not minimize. He knows the way forward is by going deeper.
- One of us reminded the group that our core fears get triggered. “I am not accepted. And, I don’t matter!”
- One of us talked about going home and back to church in fear. But, receiving only grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
- One of us said when my wife attacks I try three things: patience, deeper listening, and entering into silent internal prayer.
- One of us shared, “I spoke with my sister about our past. It has opened a doorway to a new and deeper conversation.”
- One of us said, I have needed two things all my life. I have needed to be a follower, and I have needed to please others. That strategy doesn’t work for myself, my God, or the other person.
Gentlemen, God is growing each of us. Thank you Jesus for your love, hope, and direction. We are your chosen and loved men…Amen.
Bible Connection
If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. – 1 John 1:7 (CSB)