Have you ever noticed how people are very patterned?
- FIXERS want to fix.
- CONTROLLERS want to control.
- PLEASERS want to please.
- TAKERS want to take.
- DRINKERS want to drink.
- USERS want to use.
- LONERS want to go be alone.
- CRITICS want to criticize.
- JOKERS want to joke.
- DETACHERS want to detach.
What do we know about people who live by a role?
- Their chosen role defines them.
- That role is how they engage life.
- They use thoughts and language consistent with the role they play.
- Their role is fixed and their life changes very little.
- People who live life through roles are trapped and exhausted.
Early emotional wounding and related confusion causes a person to pick a role. That role is used to survive. It can make one’s life simpler. But there is no freedom or rest in a role.
Father, help me see that no ROLE will satisfy me. Help me understand that playing a ROLE is a trap. I don’t want to be trapped in woundedness. Nor do I want to play a ROLE to cope and survive. I want the peace and rest that Jesus promised. Bless me with the rest. Amen.
Bible Connection
Jesus said, simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways, and you’ll discover that I am gentle, humble, easy to please. You’ll find refreshment and rest in me. – Matthew 11:29 (Passion)
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