“We want to be known. And, we want to be loved.”
Tim Keller
I heard that quote thirty years ago from Tim Keller, a speaker at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. That statement hit me close–at my core. Yes! I do want to be known and loved.
As I think about that quote, there are only two places where that can happen: In the presence of God, and in a grow-old-together marriage.
It takes a lifetime to be known.
We join a group or class and they learn a piece of our story. Church friends know some details about us. Work friends know our work skills. People we want to impress know the best parts of us.
Friends come and go. They learn us in different seasons of life. Add this thought to the difficulty of being known: We don’t even understand ourselves some of the time.
In a marriage, over a long period, is where lots of learning, growing and sharing occurs. Your wife sees you when you are young, strong, and full of testosterone. She sees you as you grow through the challenges of the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. And, she sees you as your strength and youth fail.
The marriage journey is where you truly learn and know someone. It could be described as a miracle that through it all, your wife’s love grows richer and deeper.
Father, thank you that you know me and love me. You know my whole story and you still love me. Thank you that I can rest in your love. Thank you that I can rest in my wife’s love. Bless her as you bless me. Amen.
Bible Connection
You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. -Psalm 139:1-2 (NIV)
One response to “To Be Known”
Thank God my wife still loves me even in my failure.