
  • To Be Known

    To Be Known

    The marriage journey is where you truly learn and know someone. It could be described as a miracle that through it all, your love grows richer and deeper.

  • Loving Detachment

    Loving Detachment

    In this blog we often discuss attachment and the importance of attaching and bonding in a marriage. However, we also realize some marriages are very, very difficult.

  • Treasure From the Lord

    Treasure From the Lord

    The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord. – Proverbs 18:22

  • What is This Blog?

    What is This Blog?

    Over the next week, we’re going to do some housekeeping and explain what this blog is about, how to make the best use of it, and how it benefits your marriage relationship. Today is question and answer day.

  • A Letter from a Struggling Wife

    A Letter from a Struggling Wife

    A letter from a struggling wife, pleading with her husband to grow up emotionally.

  • Father, Mentor, and Trainer

    Father, Mentor, and Trainer

    Every man needs a father and mentor. Some fathers are not able to engage with their sons. And, those sons may struggle for a lifetime. Every son needs the blessing of a father who is also a guide and trainer. That son and father need to share life together. The blessing happens on a long…

  • Listening


    A husband decided to challenge himself. He told a friend, “Not listening has been a weakness of mine. So, listening will be my focus for the next 30 days.” Then, he continued and shared some more thoughts.

  • Oneness in Marriage

    Oneness in Marriage

    Marriages can be lived on several different levels. They vary from “very attached” to “very detached.” Please use this material for discussion purposes. Remember, the purpose of these blog posts is to foster conversations that moves us towards greater Oneness.

  • For Your Discussion

    For Your Discussion

    Here are four questions to explore with your spouse. You may want to discuss one or all four. Remember, life is one long love story. We are learning about God, emotions, and each other.

  • Two Wakeup Calls

    Two Wakeup Calls

    One major life goal should be to run a healthy emotional program. Here are two major griefs that can occur in life. Read them. Then review your own emotional program.

  • Handle Rejection Like Jesus

    Handle Rejection Like Jesus

    One major area of emotional work is handling REJECTION. In your life you will be rejected a least a 1,000 times (easy). Learning how to handle rejection is critical. The pain of emotional rejection is real. And, learning how to successfully handle it is essential.

  • How to Become an Attacher (Part 2)

    How to Become an Attacher (Part 2)

    What if a trained, experienced, 40-year DETACHER asked, “How do I become an ATTACHER?” What are the steps? Stephen continues with Part 2 of How to Become an Attacher.