
  • He Sets us Free

    He Sets us Free

    Stephen shares an example of what a genuine growth mindset looks like.

  • My Mission

    My Mission

    I went to Abilene Christian University to learn God’s EMOTIONAL ROADMAP for living. God is the God of order. He gave us the bible, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And, he set up the church. The church teaches the does and don’ts of Spiritual living. A spiritual roadmap covers living spiritually and preparation for an…

  • Stay Present

    Stay Present

    It was a cold day. The last day of the trip. Four men sat around the fire, reflecting on the week-long time they had away from it all. The conversation turned to going home, back to their wives. Caleb asked, “Why is it so difficult to stay present when I’m talking with my wife?” It…

  • Spiritual and Emotional Program

    Spiritual and Emotional Program

    Strive to bring your emotional program in sync with your spiritual one. And, see the promises of Jesus that you can walk daily in peace, rest, and joy.

  • Three Missions

    Three Missions

    You need to be working on Three Missions. MISSION NUMBER ONE-A Recovery Mission. Everyone needs to be working in their weak area. Areas of work include the following, anger, lust, overeating, spending too much, jealousy, negativity, laziness, self centeredness, being a loner, under talking, etc. Recovery is where you identify, admit and stabilize your issue.…

  • No Small-Thinking

    No Small-Thinking

    This is a fresh, crisp, brand new day.It is also “A NO SMALL THINKING DAY!” Today is dedicated to reclaiming a peaceful mind and restful heart.As part of doing your quieting work, all small thoughts are banished into tomorrow. So, today there will be no: None of these issues may live in your mind or…

  • Great Listeners

    Great Listeners

    Great listeners make you feel emotionally heard. What is their secret? FIRST, they divide a serious conversation into two distinct parts. Part one is “the problem” being presented. And, Part two is “the person” speaking. SECOND, they prioritize spending time asking about the emotions of the (person) speaker. Example Speaker-“I’m really sad about losing my…

  • Spiritual AND Emotional

    Spiritual AND Emotional

    We are emotional beings and spiritual beings. The older I get the more I hear, “Just be a spiritual being.” I agree conceptually. But, in reality, that’s hard. We are all aware of men and women who know and love God, a lot. But, they continue to make emotional mistakes. Some are small likeshaming themselves,…

  • Not Too Proud to Change

    Not Too Proud to Change

    Three years ago I was told by my doctor to get a hearing test. I did. They told me I had some high frequency hearing loss. I was told again recently. “You could benefit from a hearing aid.” To me, a hearing aid meant you were officially old, handicapped, and broken. I sulked around depressed…

  • All of Me Loves All of You

    All of Me Loves All of You

    I saw a romantic sign. It read. “ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU!” It sounded good. But, I got to thinking about that concept. I think it means, I want all of me to love all of you. How, I wondered? We all have damaged, wounded, traumatized hearts. All of me wants to love…

  • Unlearning is Learning

    Unlearning is Learning

    If, you want great connecting to be part of your love story, you must UNLEARN some skills. If you want a deep, close friendship, you must UNLEARN some skills. If, you want to get to the promised land of oneness, you must UNLEARN some skills. Here is a list of disconnecting skills a spouse must…

  • Bigger than the Fear

    Bigger than the Fear

    Homework assignment for today. When someone ATTACKS you, immediately and quietly repeat these words three times.“The God in me is bigger than the fear in you.” When someone CRITICIZES you, repeat.“The God in me is bigger than the fear in you.” When someone INSULTS you, repeat.“The God in me is bigger than the fear in…