
  • Recovering from your Past

    Recovering from your Past

    Today’s three words are: Grieve, Release, and Rest.

  • We Eagerly Await

    We Eagerly Await

    The first part of your emotional program comes in preprogrammed. If you’ve had at least two children you understand. From a very young age one child is quiet and shy. The other is the opposite–loud and non-stop motion. The second part of your emotional program is family influenced and shaped. A speaker once made this…

  • Innocence, Beauty, and Awe

    Innocence, Beauty, and Awe

    Look for the beauty in God’s creation and pause when you experience a moment of awe, because you are standing in the presence of God.

  • Four Insights

    Four Insights

    There are four big emotional questions everyone quietly asks.

  • Overcoming, For my Marriage

    Overcoming, For my Marriage

    Not everyone knows how to develop a great marriage. It takes lots of work for two to merge into one. Here are four scenarios that hinder a great relationship.

  • Deep Questions

    Deep Questions

    What are the deepest, most basic, questions that rise out of your soul?

  • Marriage Culture

    Marriage Culture

    Marriage is a relationship that requires growth and skill building. How many of these skills do you use in your relationship?

  • Under-Sad


    “You have been under-sad.” Of all the emotions, sadness is a critical one. Sadness means the emotional system is turned on and working. But what if you decided, when you were young, all emotions were overwhelming; the best solution was to just shut down. You’ve spent your whole life trying to hold a middle position,…

  • Emotional Family Therapy

    Emotional Family Therapy

    When listening to your wife, when she is struggling emotionally, separate two thoughts.

  • We Are Predictable

    We Are Predictable

    Have you ever noticed how people are very patterned?

  • The Hardest Battle

    The Hardest Battle

    e are human. At times we push ourselves to our very limits. When a man has reached his physical limits, you hear him say…

  • What it Looks Like

    What it Looks Like

    Some men wake up after a relationship crisis and claim to be working on emotional growth. If someone is working on a growth mission, some new behaviors should be clearly visible.