Tag: Stephen

  • Why do I Write?

    Why do I Write?

    Why do I send out a daily text? Here are ten insights about why I write. My Goal is to live a life overflowing with peace, rest, and joy. Learn and grow in God and self-awareness. It’s in taking wise, small steps that you arrive at peace, rest, and joy. Prayer To God be all…

  • What’s the point?

    What’s the point?

    I loved my dad. And, he loved me. He’s passed now. Dad had strengths and weaknesses. One weakness was he wanted me to move fast. If he asked me to do something he wanted it done now! And, he wanted it done fast. No discussion or explanation, just do it. And, do it fast. That…

  • How Things Work

    How Things Work

    I write because no one ever explained to me how emotions, spiritual teachings and relationship skills all fit together. Lots of people will train you spiritually. But, there are very, few emotional trainers. John Eldridge, author, once said, “There is a way things work.” I love that thought! It reminds me that God is ordered…

  • Travel and Party

    Travel and Party

    Growing up, my family was well known in our neighborhood. Everyone knew us as the “travel” and “party” family. After visiting, my buddies went back home and talked about my dad and mom. And, that’s how our reputation spread. Why were we known as the “travel and party” family? My father was famous for his…