Tag: Emotional Growth

  • Men’s Emotional Self Awareness Test

    Men’s Emotional Self Awareness Test

    In this episode, Jonathan and Stephen dive into the journey of emotional self-awareness, especially for men – and offer a simple test to measure self-awareness.

  • Navigating Grief, Fear, and Transformation

    Navigating Grief, Fear, and Transformation

    We explore how childhood experiences shape adult behavior and emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing emotional immaturity. Our conversation highlights the role of grief in self-discovery and the impact of critical parenting on self-criticism. Stephen and Jonathan stress the need for honesty, vulnerability, and self-reflection in achieving emotional growth and maturity.

  • Truisms and Self-Condemnation

    Truisms and Self-Condemnation

    As a reader you need to know my passion. I’m on a mission to run a very, healthy, Soul program. Also known as an emotional program. To do so we need to operate on lots of truisms and minimize self condemnation.

  • From Recovery to Growth Mission

    From Recovery to Growth Mission

    Recovery from addiction is more than just getting back on your feet. Recovery is this beautiful bridge to an exciting phase of self-discovery and growth.

  • Missing Out on Emotional Growth

    Missing Out on Emotional Growth

    Don’t miss out on emotional growth. Don’t give up! Work on spiritual growth and emotional growth. Don’t miss what you could have.

  • Going Deeper

    Going Deeper

    Knowing how to have a deep emotional relationship with your wife means going deeper.

  • On Mission

    On Mission

    Are you on a growth mission? Everyone needs to be on an emotional growth mission. The mission includes working on emotionally weak or stuck areas in your life.

  • Give Your Emotions a Voice

    Give Your Emotions a Voice

    Today’s discussion is about using your voice. Some children were taught not to express their thoughts. Today, you are being asked to use your voice to express thoughts about yourself.

  • For Troubled Men

    For Troubled Men

    Since, you became a Christian, Jesus has patiently been waiting for you to invite him into the painful unworthy-belief-story that lives deep in your soul.

  • Recipe for Personal Growth

    Recipe for Personal Growth

    Stephen calls out four key ingredients for growth and change.

  • Male Maturity

    Male Maturity

    How does a man’s relationship thinking change over time? What is the difference between young, male, self-absorbed thinking and senior, male, Jesus-loving thinking?

  • Why Do We Fall?

    Why Do We Fall?

    Why do we fall? This is a deep question and we can’t ever fully answer the “why” questions. But it’s worth the conversation. In this episode, Stephen and Jonathan dive deep into the emotional and spiritual tangles that we all face.