Tag: Disconnected

  • Connection


    Pete Scazzero, pastor, speaker, and author of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship described his early years in ministry.

  • Disconnected-Together


    I saw my mother and father live disconnected together their whole lives. They were married for 56 years. Mother was a dreamer and dad was a survivor. Dad loved mom but he could not show it.

  • The Disconnection Cycle

    The Disconnection Cycle

    Here is an example of the Disconnection Cycle in a husband-wife relationship. 

  • Come Closer

    Come Closer

    Think about how many arguments are started with one spouse saying something like, “There’s something wrong with our relationship. You don’t love me like you used to.” What that spouse is trying to say is, “I’m feeling disconnected, distressed, and detached from you. Can you come closer?”