Tag: Day 61

  • Emotional Intimacy

    Emotional Intimacy

    Intimacy is a spiritual and emotional mission. It is a direct challenge from heaven. Two becoming one is the most difficult and wonderful relationship journey you will ever attempt.

  • After the Climb

    After the Climb

    Yesterday I wrote about hitting a wall. Walls are events and challenges God uses to grow you. What are some positive outcomes from going through a wall experience?

  • Tearing Down and Rebuilding

    Tearing Down and Rebuilding

    Death often precedes new life. Jesus’ death made the way for new life. And a seed must die before a tree is born.

  • Married and Disconnected

    Married and Disconnected

    WHY WOULD ANYONE LIVE DISCONNECTED IN A GOOD MARRIAGE? Everyone wants more love! If, you were made by love and for love why would you live disconnected? Here is a list of reasons why a spouse, living in a good marriage, would still live disconnected. THE EARLY YEARS -Your parents were poorly attached to each…