Tag: Day 60

  • Emotionally Present and Peaceful

    Emotionally Present and Peaceful

    When I try to be attuned to my situation and those around me, why do I let someone’s negative statement agitate me?

  • Climbing Our Walls

    Climbing Our Walls

    In your lifetime, you’ll run into many emotional walls. Walls are places where you release old thinking and embrace new, deeper thinking. Walls are where you try to convince God that your ways are best. In the end, God wins and you either get bitter or grow deeper and wiser.

  • Gateway to Freedom

    Gateway to Freedom

    It was a group of men but it was also the Church. These men sang songs of worship, and, asked hard questions. They were willing to challenge and be challenged. You could hear loud men getting softer. Doubting men finding greater assurance.

  • 50% Connected?

    50% Connected?

    Are you 50% connected to your spouse? Are you 100% emotionally connected? Or, are you somewhere in between? HERE IS THE CRITERIA FOR MAKING A 50% EMOTIONAL CONNECTION WITH YOUR SPOUSE. 1 . Have a wedding ceremony. 2 . Hold a title. e.g., Husband or Wife 3 . Work outside the home as a provider.…