Tag: Day 44

  • Discuss your Expectations

    Discuss your Expectations

    There is a difference between assumed expectations and discussed expectations.

  • I Give You Permission

    I Give You Permission

    “I give you permission to not like me.” This line was recently given to me in a quiet moment. As a recovering pleaser, my job was to get others to like me.

  • Second-Half Maturity

    Second-Half Maturity

    Your first emotional program is your survival program. It was established in childhood. The second emotional program is built in adulthood. It will be built on top of the first program.

  • The Disapproval Filter

    The Disapproval Filter

    We are all hungry for approval. But, what if your relationship “filter” was built around disapproval. In the depth of your soul you may be carrying a nagging feeling of disapproval. If this is you, it’s important to do emotional-spiritual work in this area.