Tag: Day 20

  • Emotional Detachment

    Emotional Detachment

    How does a husband say yes to marriage and then live emotionally detached? How does it make any sense, when a detached husband is offered a chance to attach but he responds, no? Or, even more extreme, how does a man live a lifetime of detachment?

  • You Look Good in Green

    You Look Good in Green

    It is important to have the right view of church. Church is a meeting place for Grinches. Grinches have small hearts. They have a history of being selfish, greedy, and self centered. They take first and give second. In youth, they lack maturity. And in adulthood, they lack maturity. Grinches have expertise. They look out…

  • A New Start

    A New Start

    Im trying a new strategy in my marriage. I know the bible says don’t go to bed angry. I must confess I have failed in that area. The bible also says, God’s love is new every morning. So, I am trying to walk in His fresh, new, love every morning. Now, each morning, I wake…