Today’s three words are: Grieve, Release, and Rest.
How do you grieve an old part of your story? The answer is; everyone will do it differently. So there’s no right or wrong way. The goal of grieving is to reduce the sad tense energy stored in a story.
First, remember some part of your growing up story. Next, try to feel what your younger self experienced.
NOTE: You never go back as a boy. Rather, you take your mature adult self, adult resources, and Jesus back into the old story.
You may feel sad, cry, or cry out. What you’re doing is inviting that old sad part of your past into the present. You’re connecting old, sad, boy memories with today’s adult resources. We don’t grieve just to grieve. Instead, we grieve to the point of being tired of feeling sad. Let me repeat. You feel sad until you’re tired of holding the sadness and move to release.
Next we take that sad story into the throne room of Abba. We ask him to be Lord of this memory. We invite his healing presence into our scared boy memory.
The details of the story can stay but the majority of the old pain and sadness is asked to leave.
The pain of the story belongs to someone else. They introduced it. You might say out loud. “I give you back this pain. It belongs to you. I will not carry it any longer. I now enter the peace and rest my heavenly Father has for me.”
Don’t try to grieve everything all at once. Practice grieving smaller hurts first. Always remembering to bring your system back to rest. If you don’t know much rest, hold tightly to even small moments of rest. The goal being to increasingly grow the feeling of rest.
Father, help me to grieve, release, and rest. I want greater freedom from my old past stories. You are the one who transforms. Heal and make me new. Holy Spirit be my counselor and comforter. Jesus please be my physician. Amen.
Bible Connection
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. – Matthew 5:4
Remember (or claim) the promise of Jesus, “and I will give you rest.”
This is for educational purposes only. Always seek the help of wise counsel to explore past issues.
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