You will be asked to work on emotional growth during your adult lifetime. The Spirit will prompt you and individuals will make requests. There will be three significant times you will be asked to work on growth and change.
This first prompt comes from your spouse. She will say, why do you act that way? You need to work on your behavior. It’s a problem. When you act that way it stunts you, wounds me, and hinders the growth of our relationship. Please wake up and face your issue.
This one comes from your children. It sounds like, why don’t you open up? You’re always distant. I don’t feel like I know you. How come we don’t talk about real, life struggles? Dad, please talk to me from your heart.
This last prompt comes from your deep, male friends. It sounds like this. You’re good at guy talk but you stay very private. I struggle and I know you struggle. But I don’t feel like you want to talk about struggles. Do you ever relax? You seem tense to me. You need to work on that.
Whichever prompt, they may be talking about your anger, stress level, tenseness, negativity, staying closed, always having simple, quick answers etc.
You will be given three challenges in your lifetime by individuals and many more spiritual promptings. Each prompter is asking that you look at yourself. Take a serious, honest, deep look inside. These individuals are acting like a mirror showing you, you.
Father, it’s hard to admit failure, weakness, and shortcomings. Please help me grow and change more into the image of Jesus. Amen.
Bible Connection
Jesus told a parable and concluded:
For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’ – Matthew 13:15 (NIV)