There is a Disney movie titled, The Kid. In that movie, Emily Mortimer confronts Bruce Willis. She lovingly but firmly says, “You could have been great!” For a second, time stands still.
That question pierces my soul. It strikes my core. I ask myself why does that line haunt me?
It’s because those words trigger fear in me. They say:
- You missed it!
- You fell short!
- You took the wrong path!
- You were soooo close! But, you failed.
Meaning you got stuck in minor things. And, missed life’s major things.
Here is a list of my major things:
- Work on spiritual growth.
- Work on emotional growth
- Develop my unique gifting.
- Receive and give love daily.
- Give all glory and honor to Abba, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Father, help me grow in the five areas above. Jesus and Holy Spirit, I need your help also. Amen.
Mediate on this concept from Matthew 22:37
LOVE the Lord, your God
Matthew 22:37 (NIV)
with all your HEART
and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND