Daniel Coyle, author of The Culture Code, wrote that a close group culture is a powerful force. He quickly learned that developing a strong, close culture was a mystery. So he spent four years researching eight successful groups.
These are the skills he found that are used in close successful groups:
- Close proximity
- Lots of eye contact
- Safe physical touch
- Energetic exchanges
- Few interruptions
- Asking lots of questions
- Intense active listening
- Humor and laughter
- Kindness and small courtesies
He also learned that all the above skills stand on a foundation of safety.
Marriage is a relationship that requires growth and skill building. How many of these skills do you use in your relationship?
Father, help me. Teach me. Grow me. You are the author of oneness. Help me learn oneness skills. I know how to survive. But I want to thrive in oneness with you and my spouse. Give me wisdom. Open my eyes and open my heart. Help me to love like Jesus. Amen.
Bible Connection
The Holy Spirit produces,
joy that overflows,
peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
a life full of virtue,
faith that prevails,
gentleness of heart and
strength of spirit.
Gal. 5:22 (Passion)