Sometimes relationship-talking is hard on a husband. A wife might say one line and it has multiple meanings. She might slip in this little statement, “I want you to know my heart.”
A confused husband thinks, “What does that mean?
Here are some possible meanings:
- I want you to know me
- Know my likes and dislikes
- Laugh at my jokes
- Learn my facial expressions
- Know my favorite pizza toppings
- Cry when I cry
- Understand me and how I love
- Enjoy the same movies
- Learn how to comfort me
- See the world through my eyes
- Be my best friend
- Love how I love
- Hold my hand
- Say, I love you
- Love my family like I do
- Grieve deeply with me
- Sing along
- Dream big dreams with me
- Enter my joy
- Celebrate with me
- Ask me to dance
- Hold me
- Pursue God with me
- And, pray for me.
May God bless you as you learn your wife’s heart.
Bible Connection
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35 (LSB)
Father, help me love as you love. Help me sacrifice as you sacrifice. Help me be patient and gracious like you. And, help strengthen me and this marriage. Amen
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