Why worry about your internal battle? Why waste so much time doing all this emotional work? Why not just focus on learning more about God? Our absolute assignment is to daily walk with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So always grow your daily walk.
But, I can’t ignore this observation: If a strong Christian leader has a morale failure, it’s not that he didn’t love God, Jesus, or the Church. It’s that his inner-woundedness overpowered his spiritual love-story.
What hinders us from walking more powerfully with our God? What distracts us from our spiritual mission? What pulls us away from being more spiritual? The answer is our broken emotional program.
Your growth mission is to make Jesus Lord of your broken places. That includes your unworthy place, not-good-enough place, fear and shame places etc. When Jesus becomes Lord of the broken place, change occurs. His presence never leaves you the same. He often uses the painful places to mature and deepen you.
These blogs exist for one reason. They are an attempt to create a meeting place. That is the place where your spirit and your emotional woundedness meet with Jesus for healing. These blogs have no power except to call you to that meeting place. Jesus is the teacher. He will do the revealing and the healing.
Father, thank you for knowing and loving me. You know me better than I know myself. You know my wounds, quirky thinking, and odd bent. And, you still sent Jesus to walk with me. You are an awesome God. Please help me be crystal clear in seeing and submitting my weak areas. Help me grow. Amen.
I make you Lord of my broken places, because I believe.
Bible Verse
So think of it this way: if the Son comes to make you free, you will really be free. –John 8:36 (VOICE)