We want to run our spiritual and emotional systems on peace, rest, and joy.
We fear failure, rejection, and abandonment.
Have you noticed before that I like three word groupings? So, here are today’s three words:
- Innocence
- beauty
- Awe
Innocence is freedom, without guilt, child-likeness, and being less sophisticated.
Beauty is that which is lovely, stirring, pleasing to the eyes, joyful, and is an attribute of God.
Awe is wonder that inspires. It is sacred. It can be seen in nature and experienced in a relationship. It is a moment in the presence of God.
Every day, strive to protect your innocence. Daily, look for the beauty in God’s creation, and pause when you experience a moment of awe, because you are standing in the presence of God.
Father, help me protect and walk in innocence today. Give me eyes to see the beauty and wonder of your creation. And may I be in awe when my heart stumbles into your presence. Amen.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. – Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
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