Do you have a painful story, wound, or trauma buried deep inside? Are you keeping it a personal secret? Is there something no one must ever know?
You know your childhood stories. But did you realize you were paying an expensive, emotional storage fee? It ties up resources to keep emotionally charged stories suppressed.
What is the cost of keeping a childhood story, wound, or trauma a secret?
- It takes emotional energy to keep it covered up.
- You may carry it as a small emotional knot inside.
- A part of you must live disconnected from the rest of you.
- You can never participate with 100% of yourself.
- You must say everything is fine. When it’s not.
- Being wholehearted is not possible. You must live divided.
- If you suspect someone is close to knowing, you will expend time and energy in worry.
- If anyone gets close to knowing, you must flag them off with anger.
- You may try to be happy but just can’t quite get there.
- You will periodically remember it and then need to re-bury it.
- You will always live with some of your emotionally resources tied up.
In Closing
CAUTION. This is not an immediate call to action. This is educational writing explaining one area that hinders emotional development. Be thoughtful as you proceed. Seek pastoral or mental health advice before any disclosures.
Guided Prayer
Father, I want to live in your peace, rest, and joy. Please show me areas where I am blocked. You promise an abundant life. He me embrace abundance today. Thank you for knowing me and loving me. I love being your son. Amen.
Bible Connection
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (NIV)
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