Generally speaking, women talk about EMOTIONS, WOUNDINGS, and RELATIONSHIPS, while men talk about BEHAVIORS and SOLUTIONS.
The purpose of this post is to foster a discussion. It may or may not represent your relationship. Read and then respond below with your thoughts.
A wife might say… I haven’t heard from your mother lately. Do you think she is okay? My friend Susie fell and hurt her hip. Her recovery is taking a long time. Do you think we have enough cash to get through the weekend? Our neighbor, Sally, has been rude to me lately. Did something happen? I’m worried about the party this weekend. Will I know anyone? I hate being around snotty people. Your sister said she would call me. I get the feeling she’s avoiding me.
A WEAK response from a husband.
Why do you worry so much about others? We have plenty of our own problems. If someone needs you, they will call. Otherwise ignore them and the snotty ones also.
A BETTER response from a husband.
You have a great heart. Thanks for caring so much about others. And, please make sure you take care of yourself also. You’re my friend and I need you to be around for a long time. I’ll check on mom and ask about sis. And, I don’t know why the neighbor’s acting so weird. Let’s pray about all this.
Father, bless Susie and our neighbor. And bless my wife and her loving heart. Please renew and refresh her. She cares and gives so much. May we both recharge and be renewed in your presence. You are our source of love. Fill us both, please. And, Amen.
Bible Connection
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
Ephesians 5:25 (LSB)
Your turn. This is a discussion. Add your comments in the space below. Feel free to respond to others’ comments.
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