There are four big emotional questions everyone quietly asks:
- Am I wanted?
- Where do I belong?
- Who will value and esteem me?
- Who will fight for me?
In a marriage, a wife might complain.
She might point out your weaknesses.
A wife might vent her fears.
She might push you to consider deep questions.
She will definitely ask you to look deep inside yourself.
A wife will try to learn your thinking process.
And, she will ask what you deeply love and fear.
Ultimately, she is trying to understand you. But never forget, through all the noise, she is looking for answers to the four big questions.
Here is what a wife most wants to hear from her husband:
- I pick you.
- I want you.
- You are enough.
- I will fight for you.
- I want to explore the world with you in our youth and I want us to grow old together.
- We are one.
Ask your wife, what are her deep soul questions. Pray. Then do your best to answer those questions. Also, remind her of God’s answers.
Father, you alone can fill my heart. You made me, you know me, and you love me. Thank you that you answer the cries of my heart. I want to be in a place where I am deeply loved and enjoyed. Thank you for being that place. Amen,
Bible Connection
Read about what Jesus said.
I chose you. (John 15:16)
I call you friend (Matthew 11:9, Luke 5:20, ++)
I go to prepare a place for you for where I am there you will be. (John 14:2)