Daniel Harkavy, is the Founder of the Building Champions organization. He teaches top leaders in Self Leadership.
Here are his thoughts on disappointing others:
“I disappoint people every day.
I go to sleep knowing I have disappointed someone.
I do it every day.
I do it seven days a week.
I always disappoint someone.”
Why are we so scared of disappointing others?
Disappointment is a part of life. Everyone knows disappointment. Disappointment is survivable.
If you are a people pleaser, disappointing others is traumatic. But sometimes self-care is very important. And that includes setting boundaries, being assertive, and saying “No.”
Daniel Harkavy continued. “What is important is that I do everything I can to not disappoint the wrong people.” He defined the wrong people as those who attend your funeral.
“Especially, take the best care of people who sit on the first two rows of your funeral. That includes your spouse, children, family, and those that love you.”
Father, give me wisdom. Help me use my time wisely. Help me know when to use my yes and when to use my no’s. Help me love my wife, children, and family well. And, those you bring into my circle. Help me love and serve with no fear of disappointing others.
Bible Meditation
Consider this:
- Jesus got in the boat and went to the other side.
- Jesus went to the mountain to pray.
- Disappointed people were looking for him and their healing.
See Matthew 5:33-37