I had breakfast with a friend.
He reminded me that he’d struggled with anger most of his life. Then, he said. I’ve made progress. And, I’m much better at managing my anger. But, I’ve discovered a new problem. I don’t know how to express my emotions. I stumble to find my words. It’s hard to put sentences together. And, my thoughts just don’t flow out very easily. Expressing anger is so much faster and easier.
I realized underneath this grown man’s anger was a lost, scared, confused, emotionally under-trained boy. He was admitting to me – this big, emotional world is very hard to understand.
He continued. I don’t know how to speak emotionally. And, because of my weakness my wife and family have suffered. I am ready to learn. Can you help me?
It was a beautiful, sacred, hopeful moment. It was full of raw, honesty and vulnerability.
(My spirit reminded me of the bible verse- confess your sins and you will be healed.)
Them, I responded to him spiritually and emotionally…..
I thanked my friend for letting me in.
Closing- This story is representative of many angry men we all know.
1 . Most angry men are scared boys, under-trained, and living emotionally disconnected.
2 . Growing up they had no healthy, emotional role models.
3 . Meaning, no parent engaged them on an emotional level. So, they don’t know what it’s like to live emotionally close to another person.
Prayer- God please bless us one and all on our spiritual-emotional growth mission. Amen