Everyone has some kind of idea (a view) on how to interact with others. That view outlines how you will engage with people and things. And it includes how others will interact with you.
Based on that view, a person develops a belief system. His belief system tells the do’s and don’ts of interacting.
Most people don’t directly share their belief system. But if you listen, you will hear parts of it. Then there are those rare times when someone will directly tell you his belief system.
One day, a man shared how he interacted with other men. Here’s what he said.
“I never ask another man any personal questions. That is just not right. It’s best to never ask another man about himself. If a man volunteers to tell you something personal that’s fine. Remember, a man will tell you what he wants you to know. In general, it’s best to avoid personal matters. Never ask a man about his struggles or weaknesses. That’s none of your business. Follow his lead. Talk about things he likes to talk about. Keep things light. Never pry. It’s always best to stay out of a man’s business.”
As I looked at this man’s life, I realized he had no deep male friendships. No one really knew him. And he never understood men, emotions, or relationships. Rather, he lived by a rule of extreme privacy.
In Closing
I may have forgotten to mention this part. The above man was my father. One afternoon he leaned over and quietly shared the above belief system. I loved my dad. He has passed and I guess it’s pretty obvious I didn’t follow his advice. Because I love to muck around in other men’s emotions and private lives.
Question: Is there a part of your belief system that hinders you?
Heavenly Father, thank you for my earthly father. He sacrificed greatly for his family. I honor my father today and I also wish to be honest about my father. Thank you, Holy Spirit and Jesus my two life coaches. Help me to continue to learn and serve other men. Amen.
Bible Connection
Iron sharpens iron, and a man sharpens the insight of his friend.- Proverbs 27:17 (EHV)