Dear Spouse,
Can you please help feed my soul?
Life is full of struggles. And, I’m tired.
I’ve asked God for help and he’s a great source of comfort.
But, can you also, please help feed my soul?
These are the things that fill me.
Nurture me.
Comfort me.
Celebrate with me.
Be pleased with me.
Hug me.
Enjoy me.
Laugh with me.
Play with me.
Pray with me.
Rest with me.
Finally, bless me.
So, I feel like I really matter to you.
My soul is tired and I’ve been dragging.
And, yes! You may challenge me at times. But, please be kind.
Life has turned out to be much harder than I thought.
Today, my soul is low.
And, love fuels my soul.
Jesus said. Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest. (I’ve also been talking to him.)
Thanks for listening.
I know you love me. Could you just express it a little more right now.
With my love, Amen.