Author: Stephen Cervantes

  • I Give You Grace

    I Give You Grace

    God gave us grace. We honor God and our spouses by giving them grace.

  • The Second Half of Life

    The Second Half of Life

    “In the early years a young man wrestles with ambition, sexuality, success, performance, fears, and self-worth. In the second half of life we wrestle with God, his appointment over our life, and with how our life has gone. We wrestle with forgiveness, sadness, and disappointments.” -Mark Comer

  • Come Closer

    Come Closer

    Think about how many arguments are started with one spouse saying something like, “There’s something wrong with our relationship. You don’t love me like you used to.” What that spouse is trying to say is, “I’m feeling disconnected, distressed, and detached from you. Can you come closer?”

  • We are a Mess

    We are a Mess

    We recognize we aren’t perfect. Let’s just love each other anyway.

  • Twelve Griefs

    Twelve Griefs

    Grief is defined as distress over sad events. Grief involves some personal suffering and it may include some past mistakes, thinking errors, and poor decision making. Here are some common griefs shared by husbands.

  • A Message from your Wife

    A Message from your Wife

    My Dear Husband, I want to be loved really well. I have one husband and one marriage. I want my relationship to be great!

  • Emotional Words for You (Part 2)

    Emotional Words for You (Part 2)

    Emotions and feelings are hard to define. We could call them feelings, concepts, and tools. We are spiritual and emotional beings. We need to always be working on spiritual and emotional growth. Learning and managing emotions is part of that growth. Here are five important emotions.

  • Emotional Words for You (Part 1)

    Emotional Words for You (Part 1)

    What are the important emotions and emotional skills necessary to run a healthy system? Emotions are words, concepts, and tools. They are both a state of being and tools to be used when needed.

  • Irresistible Love

    Irresistible Love

    I stumbled on to my life mission at summer camp. Being a summer camp counselor was my favorite job. I think I spent a better part of 13 summers working at summer camps. When I worked as a summer camp counselor, I had one special assignment: Take care of the “Toads.”

  • Outside Self and Inside Self

    Outside Self and Inside Self

    We all have an outer social self and an inner struggling self. What language do you use to describe your outside self and your inner emotional self?

  • Reconstructing a New Story

    Reconstructing a New Story

    One day in mid-life, you notice your youth is passing away. You are no longer that boundless young man. Your body is changing, hair is thinning, and you might have some physical ailments. It’s time to reconstruct a new story.

  • I Am Always With You

    I Am Always With You

    How is loneliness a doorway?