Our paths crossed again. It had been many years since our last encounter. As old friends do, we spent time catching up. But, he was so different. I couldn’t help myself. I had to ask. What did you do? You’re not the same. The old version of you was an anxious, restless soul.
He responded. I’ve been focusing on four areas of growth and change.
- My self criticism has come to an end. Or, I stop it so much quicker now. Self criticism is a wasteful, destructive cycle.
- I stopped trying to escape. Most of my life I was restless and thinking somewhere else would be better.
- I’ve been practicing the skill of contentment. I have a God and wife that love me. And, I have all I need.
- I’ve been learning to like myself. I used to quietly repeat “no one likes you.” I’ve decided to start repeating, my God, wife, and children like me.
My friend stopped abruptly, turned and surprisingly said, I just put something else together:
My old thinking was, Jesus loves me and I hate me.
My new thinking is, Jesus loves me and I’m learning to like myself.
After a few more exchanges, we laughed, hugged, and continued on our way.
Father, I’m sorry I’ve wasted so much time with self criticism, escaping thoughts, and restless discontent. Thank you for the promise that I could be made new. Today, I agree with the verse, the old has passed and I can walk in newness. Father, thank you that I can find both growth and rest in you. Amen.
Bible Connection
Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.
Romans 12:2 (VOICE)