Why did you disconnect from yourself? Why did you divide yourself into the outside you and the inside you? Why do you parade around your strengths and hide your weaknesses? And why do you hate being weak so much?
Consider these quotes
“I hate my self!
And I hate myself for hating myself.”
– Anonymous Male
“Our own depths frighten us!”
– Ronald Rolheiser, author
“You have two choices. You can run your emotional system. Or you can run away from your emotional system.”
– Stephen Cervantes, DoctorMarriage.org
“The process of coming home to myself was painful. How do you return to a self you really don’t
like.”“We can follow our feelings to God; we can listen to our bodies in order to long more deeply for God‘s grace presence and healing.”
– Chuck Degroat, author
Father, help me walk in your peace, rest and joy. Help me to not walk in self hatred. Rather help me walk in the love Jesus promised. Thank you that he has gone to prepare a place for me. So, I can be with you. Amen.
Bible Connection
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. – Mark 3:24-25 (NIV)