Everyone runs an emotional program. It includes hurts, fears, low self worth, shame, grief, etc. Why aren’t more people aware of their emotional program? I have long contemplated this question. Here is how 5 men responded to that question.
Man #1: “I didn’t know that I was running an emotional program. And I didn’t know that I didn’t know.”
Man #2: I asked a man once to tell me his growing up story. He bent over, put this face in his hands and wept. “Please don’t make me go back into my childhood. I’ve been running from that story my whole life.”
Man #3: “I thought God was everything and I was nothing. I thought I was supposed to just be a spiritual being.
You know– My self was supposed to die!”
Man #4: My family was not emotional. We never discussed emotions. Feelings were supposed to be suppressed. Later, I started calling myself a stoic. We believe emotions are unnecessary because they are inferior to logic.
Man #5: “I hate everything about feelings. Feeling can’t be trusted. Feelings are just raw emotions. And emotions make you act out of control. Why can’t everyone just be happy?”
A lot of people do not understand they run an emotional program. If you never learn your emotional program, you will live a shallow life and will develop shallow relationships.
Father, I do not always understand my emotions. I need help in the area of emotions and self awareness. My emotions are part of my life. Help me not live in hurt, fear, shame, and low worth. Amen.
Bible Connection
This verse implies something was emotionally wrong.
“They are like children (companions)… calling out to others:
We played the flute (music) for you, and you did not dance:
We played a dirge (funeral song) and you did not mourn (or cry).
– Matthew 11:16-17 (NIV)