What is the difference between monologue and dialogue?
Having a monologue is when an individual thinks they need to be heard, seen as smart, and have answers. Having a dialogue is when two individuals are curious and open to learning new things. It happens when both lead the discussion; one and then the other; two individuals exploring a topic together.
- Telling you–my thoughts.
- Giving you the answers.
- Letting you know what’s in my head.
- Repeating stories, slogans, and sayings.
- I talk. You listen.
- Having no need for back-and-forth conversation.
- Needing to use our discussion time to say what I think.
- Thinking you need to hear my thoughts.
- And thinking, if I tell you my thoughts, I am helping you.
- Being curious.
- Digging into a topic and exploring.
- A back-and-forth rhythm.
- Two parties both sharing new thoughts and insights.
- Listening deeply. Then expressing my own deep thoughts.
- Hearing these statements:
- “What do you think?
- “Say more about that that topic.”
- “Keep going. I’m listening.”
- “I never knew you had those thoughts.”
Check yourself. Marriage is supposed to be full of wonderful never-ending dialogues.
Father, help me to be open. Help me to be innocent and curious. Your world is so full of wonder and things to be explored. Help me to be good at dialogue. Help me be open to learning and growth. I know you are the God of transformation. Please grow me. Amen.
(Jesus spent 3 years in dialogue with his apostles.)
So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. – John 6:67-68 (LSB)
They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” – Luke 24:32 (NIV)